Nestled in the heart of Palamós' Old Port, we present a visionary project for the Fishermen's Brotherhood - a state-of-the-art Head Office and Shops. This unique site merges three distinct urban fabrics, with the historical center to the north, a rocky area to the southeast, and the bustling highway and port to the west. Positioned as an intermediary point between a lively residential square and the charming old port, it embraces the essence of the town's heritage.
Our journey traces back to 1902 when efforts to "improve" the area sparked heated debates. The construction of a coastal road linking Fosca with Palamós, and the dynamiting of the once-protective granite rock front along the coast, stirred controversy. Unforeseen impacts on the landscape and coastal protection arose, leaving traces of a vibrant past erased. Now, our canvas for creation lies on the grounds of the former fishing stores, once known as Platja de la Catifa - a tranquil beach where fishermen mended their nets, and children learned to swim. As we embrace history, we seek to reconstruct the essence of the original rock, paying homage to those who toiled and thrived in this cherished space.
Ubicado en el corazón del Puerto Viejo de Palamós, presentamos un proyecto visionario para la Hermandad de Pescadores: una moderna Sede Central y Tiendas. Este lugar único fusiona tres tejidos urbanos distintos, con el centro histórico al norte, una zona rocosa al sureste y la bulliciosa carretera y puerto al oeste. Situado como un punto intermedio entre una animada plaza residencial y el encantador puerto antiguo, abraza la esencia del patrimonio de la ciudad.
Nuestro viaje se remonta a 1902, cuando los esfuerzos por "mejorar" la zona desataron encendidos debates. La construcción de una carretera costera que conecta Fosca con Palamós y la voladura de la antigua roca de granito que protegía la costa generaron controversia. Surgieron impactos inesperados en el paisaje y la protección costera, dejando huellas de un pasado vibrante borrado. Ahora, nuestro lienzo de creación se encuentra en los terrenos de las antiguas tiendas de pesca, una vez conocidas como Platja de la Catifa, una playa tranquila donde los pescadores reparaban sus redes y los niños aprendían a nadar. Al abrazar la historia, buscamos reconstruir la esencia de la roca original, rindiendo homenaje a aquellos que trabajaron y prosperaron en este espacio querido.
Blue Series seen by a Palamós fisherman
The sea cannot be contained, only when we dare to put a frame on it…

Some might say I'm crazy at times, but isn't it a fisherman's calling to embrace this quality? I am indeed 'crazy' enough to love La Mar, a woman of wild grace, captivating me with her untamed beauty in both serenity and storm.

In the world of 'Tornados Azuls,' there's a humble strength, much like the rugged Palamós coastline. Each day, as I head out to sea, alone or with fellow fishermen, I'm reminded of that first voyage with my father. It was a moment of facing fear and finding acceptance, just as the fishermen of Palamós have done for generations.
It is a beautiful feeling to be born, I always think it that way. The first breath, the first ray of light, the first kiss of the sun. It is a clean canvas, a journey yet to be filled with wonder, innocence, and the endless sea of possibilities.